Sunday, April 18, 2010


It is something that cannot be described easily. When suddenly I look around and realize that all my life is is a movement of motions...actions carried out with varying intentionality. It is in these moments that I my spirit longs to feel a connection. To something beyond myself. Something greater than my actions...motions.

Sometimes it is friends who in the beauty of relationship wonder why or reassure of the why. Sometimes my back needs to feel the earth pressed against it; to listen to the greater rhythms that twirl the world in a soft dance.

For me today, it was something entirely different. Something that is extraordinary, yet the simplest fact of life. Its been around since the very beginning and will never cease to exist.
I was one of the first to welcome a small baby to this world. This boy, mere hours after crossing the threshold from place so near to his Creation into a life of color, with many, many unknowns. Holding this small fellow in my arms, I felt this connection to the rhythms of the world.

We all are teachers. We all are learners. We must only must learn to remember this with great reverence and eagerness. There is so much, so very much to share.

May you today, in whatever ebb and flow you find yourself: be it house work, yard work, studying, writing, playing, holding, fixing or simply existing.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

i love to look at the sky.
i believe the sky enjoys looking at me as well.
today i needed to feel the earth under my back. to feel the connection to the rhythms of the universe.
i needed to be somewhere uninhibited by people, power lines, and cylinders.
as i trudged contentedly expectant through the woods i wondered why such a desire stirred within me. a patch of grass, gingerly greening itself this time of year welcomed me to lie on it. i pushed my ear to the earth and listened. the sun kissed my neck and arms. clouds waltzed overhead to a rhythm all their own.

bright blue. dull green. ripening brown. and wispy white. it all belonged beautifully in that moment.