Friday, August 26, 2011

e.kate & the retro benefit.

last night.
as the sun was beginning
to retire 
for the night...

i squeezed into a car
with a few girlfriends
and we headed west.

{and who doesn't want to
head west?}

but there was no mindless
wandering in store for us
this night.
we knew exactly where
we were headed.
to the orchard house.

for a very special event:

thrown to in honor of
the local Minneapolis

tucked contentedly
down a twisty-curvy road,
intriguingly held
by high-reaching greens
we found the
orchard house,
e.kate designs.
{click here to experience goodness.}

and much.much.more.

artists such as
circa vintage
{who, by the way,
is quickly becoming one of my
all-time favorite
artists, see how her
work connects time spans
and tells a story...
in this fabulously 
vintage event.

the inside of
the orchard house
is ooohh too charming
with it's bright
turquoise walls
and sky-reaching ceiling.

the walls are tastefully
cluttered with artists
imaginative creations
to tempt and ahhh
any beauty-seeker.

to judge by the crowded
orchard house
with the lovelies mingling, 
sipping champagne,
and looking too wonderful to
not be accompanying the
art on the walls...
i must assume the
event was quite the success.

it was an
enchanting evening.


the orchard house.
grab a girlfriend.
and get there.

you won't regret it.
i promise.

- n

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